Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Żyrardowie im. psa Kazana

I am Guffy, good morning friends !!! I can teach you a happy song or dancing. I like to dance and sing and look deep into the eyes. I am a cheerful dog with too long paws. Sometimes I lose them in the dance. Do you ask how such a guy got here? I had a very bad house, me and my friend, we had nothing to eat, we didn't go for walks, there was nowhere to run and dance. One day they led us out at night and tied to the pole.I barked and defended my friend, she is so small. It was a night that changed our lives. We came to a dog paradise, called a shelter. Our claws were cut, we can now walk without pain, we get food and there is a place to dance ... I have an appetite like a wolf. Don't be surprised, I still have to gain about 10 kg.

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